The Reluctant Bachelor

About the Book

How do you move on after you’ve lost the love of your life? When you've been married a long time and lose your spouse, normal is suddenly gone. Andy Willoughby experienced this firsthand when his wife of forty-seven years died unexpectedly. He realized he had taken his relationship for granted and his life would never be the same.

That’s when Andy became The Reluctant Bachelor. This book shows one man navigating through single life by no choice of his own. His stories will make you laugh, make you cry, and warm your heart. When is it time to move on? This book will answer that question and more.

The Reluctant Bachelor reveals the painful, difficult, and sometimes funny path grief takes. It shows the ups and downs of how Andy reluctantly moved forward. It can serve as a guide to help others move forward and establish a new life after loss. It's unusual to see such transparency, but Andy Willoughby shares his heart in hopes of helping others heal from the pain of loss. Though your pain feels unique, you are not alone in your grief. Others have felt what you feel and have moved forward in life changed and healed. Andy Willoughby is living proof that there is life after loss.

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Author Bio

Andy Willoughby is a two-time author. His first book Why Aren't We Rich Yet? is based on thirty successful years as a marketing and advertising professional. He is the father of three children, ten grandchildren, and eleven great grandchildren. His status of widower led him to write The Reluctant Bachelor. It is Andy's desire to inspire hope that in time, the pain of losing a loved one will lessen and you can move forward with your life.


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